3 Reasons to Avoid Turbulence Training | PhitZone

3 Reasons to Avoid Turbulence Training

Three reasons that you should avoid Turbulence Training

Craig Ballantyne - Turbulence Training

Turbulence Training Mastermind, Craig Ballantyne

Turbulence Training is the brain child of that guy right over there <==. His name is Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS.

Craig is a personal trainer in Quebec, Canada. He went to school to learn how to train your body. The result of that schooling are some letters behind his name.

Do you think that “prostitution managers” do that on their business cards – Frosti T. Snoman, PIMP?

Honestly, I know a few people that think personal trainers are really nothing more than sadomasochists, and just enjoy dishing out pain to people for money.

Sure, there may be some truth to that. Over all though, they just want to make you feel better about your body.

That’s where Craig falls (although he just may enjoy making you “feel the burn” a tinsy little bit).

Let’s talk about this Turbulence Training thing. Is it right for you? Here are 3 reasons that you should avoid Turbulence Training.

Drum roll please

#1 The first reason is that you don’t like to perspire. Sweat makes your clothes stick to you. Not to mention staining your clothes. And do we really need to talk about that stink? It’s just icky.

Get over it, buttercup! If you’re sweating, it’s a sure sign that you’re working. You can’t gauge how much your working by how much you sweat, but I can promise you one thing, if you’re working with intensity, you’re gonna sweat!

#2 Next, you’re tired and don’t have the energy. You had a hard day at the office, and just want to sit on the couch with a burger,  grande-sized curly fries, and a “liter of cola” (brownie points if you name that movie), and watch reruns of Cagney and Lacey.

Come on, Nancy, hoist it off the couch, and get that body moving! I know that you don’t want to train, but when you’re done, you will have earned that rest. I doubt that you’ll still want that “crappy meal” when you’re done.

#3 Lastly, you just don’t have time to drive all the way to the gym, change your clothes, etc. It takes too long, and just requires too much effort.

Good news, princess! Turbulence Training doesn’t require a gym. For that matter, you don’t need any equipment at all. Sure, you can use that stuff if you got it, but you don’t need it! Bodyweight exercises can be done in the smallest of living rooms, and you don’t have to shell out the coin for gym memberships.

There we have it – three excuses reasons that Turbulence Training may not be for you. Then again, I can come up with oh so many more reasons why it is for you.

In the interest of full disclosure (Hi Mr. FTC dude, and Ms. IRS lady), none of the affiliate links within were harmed in the making of this post.


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8 Responses to “3 Reasons to Avoid Turbulence Training”

  1. You’re effin’ hilarious. Way to make fun of men by calling them chick names. You make me giggle.

    Julie @Momspective´s latest work of art [type] ..I Have Time For A Quickie

  2. Todd says:

    @Julie, Who says I was talking to men, cupcake? :D

  3. Jay says:

    Turbulence Training takes things even further. If you really want to be successful in losing weight, you need to surround yourself with supportive people. It’s difficult to stay on track when your friends and family still want to eat junk food and sit in front of the TV.Turbulence Training is a powerful recipe for weight loss success. Turbulence Training is not a scam or a quick fix. It’s simply a highly successful strategy to help you achieve weight loss.

    Jay´s latest work of art [type] ..Man boobs help blog

  4. Todd says:

    @Jay, you’re right. This post was tongue in cheek. TT is awesome, and I highly recommend it.

  5. Yum Yucky says:

    I Love me some some bodyweight exercises. As for Frosti PIMP, I wonder how crazy it gets when he holds a job fair.

    Yum Yucky´s latest work of art [type] ..Video Tasting! Yum Earth Organic Vitamin C Lollipops

  6. Jim Cutler says:

    Haha great article! You got me!

    Turbulence training is good stuff, I go high intensity with every rep and the difference is astounding.

    Jim Cutler´s latest work of art [type] ..WHO?

  7. Troy says:

    OMG! That was great. I can’t say that I’ve seen a tongue-in-cheek review of TT.

    “Come on, Nancy, hoist it off the couch!” Perfect!

    Troy´s latest work of art [type] ..24/7 Fat Loss | Burn More Belly Fat

  8. Todd says:

    Dang, I’m super late on responding. My apologies.

    @Yum Yucky, a pimp job fair? Hmmmm

    @Jim Cutler, Intensity is the only way to go, brother.

    @Troy, Thanks. :)

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